Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Who wins the 2008 US Presidential Elections?World' largest Political Experts had spoken!!

Presidential(hoses) Races 2008 predictions
Independent World Known Best Political Experts panel offers You following:
Republican Party to WIN white house should bet/praise Clinton and Obama(Trojan Hoses) while quietly Support and Campaign for their Candidates without connections at Halliburton, other energy, oil and military companies-contractors and with large Experience/Expertise in Politics!
Republican Party to PLACE(equal race) Continue Rising Terrorism Treat Campaign
Republican Party to SHOW down -continue campaign with National Losers(Not National Heroes) as Rudi Guliani and John McCain and Ask for made public Endorsements from White House!

Democratic Party to WIN white house -quietly eliminate Clinton and Obama as possible Presidential Nominees,offer them Vice-Presidential Nomination(no time for trainees -Ending Iraq War,Rising Terrorism Treat)switch their support to official party Nominees and bring some 4star generals in Presidential Candidates Contention with their actual Presidential Nominaton(difference from 2004)!
Democratic Party to PLACE(equal race) - Nominate some Unknown Candidates(as in 2000 and 2004) quietly eliminate Clinton and Obama as possible Nominees,Treat)switch their support to official party Nominees and PLAY hispanics votes “card”!
Democratic Party to SHOW down-continue with Clinton and Obama as possible Presidential Nominees(experiments with News & Media proposed 1st female President, 1st Minority President
-Amateur Major in New Orleans had hundreds people killed in failed Hurricane Evacuation! TV show “24" demonstrates the Nuclear Treat and other Dangers of minority amateurs “ Playing Politics” in White House! )
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